Re: [RFC] : small doc for beginner wanting to test Balsa from CVS

Hey Manu,

I was using your beginners-help to download the balsa cvs, as I 
mentioned I would.  First thing I ran into, (I'm acting as someone 
completely unfamiliar with cvs) is

'No CVSROOT specified!  Please use the `-d' option
cvs [checkout aborted]: or set the CVSROOT environment variable.'

This was after I did this:
echo " A" > ~/.cvspass

So I changed that line to CVSROOT=":pserver.......
and put this and CVSROOT (on the export line) in my .bash_profile.  I 
think this was correct to do, but I'm not completely sure, and wonder 
if there are other ways?

Anyway, then I got the 'no route to host' error.  I think this must be 
the time of day, so I will try again later, as you suggested.  Also, 
like an idiot, I was trying to do this in a gterm window while su into 
my new 'balsa' user identity.  Of course it wasn't happy because the 
.bash_profile was wrong, so I made sure to open a new console and log 
in as my new identity.  I think this is correct?  I don't know if this 
helps, or should be added to the beginners-help or not.  I'm not very 
familiar with CVS at all (I've only used it once before), so this is 
new to me :).  It's ironic, I've been a coder for years, but on solo or 
only one or two people projects.   I really like balsa, find it a very 
handy and good client, and would like to help at least find bugs, if I 
can't find the time to shoot them as well.  So once again, thanks for 
the How-to, and the nudge to make me stop being lazy, and give back to 
the project!


PS Sorry to have sent this to the group, but for some reason balsa, or 
more likely my isp, is barfing on the message submission if I reply 
directly to Manu, or hand type his address in.  I've had this happen 
before, although I'm really not sure why.  I get the 'message 
submission problem...' warningbox.  

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