Re: Balsa GUI stalls during mail check

On Tue, 12 Feb 2002 10:03:03 Brian Stafford wrote:
> On Mon, 11 February 21:14 Pawel Salek wrote:
>> On 2002.02.11 20:40 Bart Visscher wrote:
>>> On Mon, 11 Feb 2002 13:52:18 Emmanuel wrote:
>>>> I know that Magick has began to work on a library to handle at least 
>>>> local mailboxes, perhaps more than that I'm not sure now.
>>> My first goal is indeed to support local mailboxes, that is difficult 
>>> enough to start with. Support for remote mailboxes, like imap, should 
>>> be easy to add later.
>> Well, it will be easy provided you remember about proper structure. I 
>> actually think that doing converse might be easier, i.e implementing 
>> imap first. But it is just an impression.
You mean implementing a imap lib first and then change Balsa over to that 
one? Getting Balsa to use a different mailbox implementation is quite 
hard, it assumes a lot of things that libmutt handles.
> My own feeling is that unless a new IMAP client offered significant 
> enhancement over the one in libmutt, implementing one is probably wasted 
> effort.  Unlike SMTP and POP-3 which are orthogonal to MIME and can 
> stand alone from it, IMAP is intimately bound to MIME.  I suspect that 
> IMAP could not be added to a mailbox library that did not understand 
> MIME in some way.
Well take a look at
Kenneth Haley has been trying to define a mailbox API that should work 
with IMAP. I'm working on changing Balsa to use this new interface, and 
even for the local access it is a major rewrite of the mailbox handling.

I have a patch that is a little bit old at
If you want do do some work on this, i have a version that is more up to 
date agains the current CVS. Areas ppl can work on are:
-The libbalsa/mailbox_local variants have to be reworked to use the server 
-Implementing the maildir and mh mailbox handlers/modules.
-Changing the current API to the at the above website.
If your going to do this or something else, contact me and we can 

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