superfluous blank lines

Hello everyone,

I mentioned this earlier, but I suppose it got lost in
the middle of the "Message Window Title" thread, so
I'm asking this again. Here it is:

On another front, there's another issue with balsa I
thought it'd be worth mentioning - when I open a
message in a new window, sometimes there's a whole lot
of blank space in the headers pane, below all the
_actual_ headers. This is especially noticeable if the
Cc: or To: field is large, (large being more than 7 or
8 recipients). This also happens in the message body
pane, a big load of scrollable blank lines appear
after the message's text ends. But, if I click the
`Full headers' icon twice, I mean, showing and then
hiding them again, everything is fine and dandy, no
more blank space. I'm not really sure I'm giving a
clear enough description of what's happening, if you
can't make any sense of my words I suppose I could
take a few screen captures to illustrate this. 

Kind regards,


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