Re: Suggestions for Balsa

Sorry, I didn't make myself clear.

"the file" refers to .mailboxlist in my home directory.  It is the list of 
subscribed folders.  So by removing "Folder" from .mailboxlist I am 
unsubscribing it.

If I interface the mail through IMAP alone, when I create a folder w/ 
subfolders, UW creates the entry "Folder" in .mailboxlist and creates a 
directory "Folder" where subfolders will then go.  The subfolders can then 
be more folders, or "folders" that contain mail, which are in actuality 
flat-files (text) that have the messages in them.  The only reason I began 
to maniuplate the files UW uses via a shell is because it wasn't working 
right in Balsa and I wanted to know why.  On a daily basis, I only use 
balsa to manipulate my mail. (I'm not weird ;)  )

- Jon

On 2001.10.06 13:57 Peter Bloomfield wrote:
>On 2001.10.06 15:05 Jon Tai wrote:
>>1)  Thanks for the multiple message moving tip!
>>2)  UW IMAP is kind of weird.  It allows folders to contain subfolders 
>>OR messages, but not both.  So let's say I have a folder named 
>>"Mailfolder" that contains mail and a folder named "Folder" that 
>>contains two subfolders, "Subfolder 1" and "Subfolder 2".  The two 
>>subfolders both contain mail.  Other mail clients, (ie. Squirrelmail, 
>>Outlook, Outlook Express) all recognize "Folder" to be a non-selectable 
>>folder, but Balsa thinks "Folder" is a selectable mailbox and displays 
>>it as a mailbox, so clicking on it generates an annoying little Select 
>>error.  With UW IMAP the list of subscribed folders looks like:
>>Folder/Subfolder 1
>>Folder/Subfolder 2
>>If I edit the file and remove "Folder":
>>Folder/Subfolder 1
>>Folder/Subfolder 2
>>I get the desired behavior in Balsa ("Folder" is recognized as a 
>>folder), but all my other mail clients break.  I don't know how to dump 
>>the dialog with the server... if you could tell me how, I'd gladly post 
>>3)  When I learn C, I'll contribute.  =)  It was just an idea.
>>Thanks again!  - Jon
>One more question: can you be more specific about `If I edit the 
>file...'? What file is that? Would it be the same as unsubscribing? If it 
>is, the folder is still supposed to be listed, since the MUA needs to 
>explore its subtree for subscribed folders/mailboxes, and I think you'd 
>want Balsa to show it as a node in the mailbox tree. A client that fails 
>to see the subtree is itself broken, as I understand the process.
>The only imap environment I'm familiar with is a server where I have 
>*only* imap access, so my control over the layout of the folder tree is 
>only through imap commands, and the interface to them offered by Balsa 
>(or NutScrape, as a last resort!). A lot of issues seem to be far 
>different for uw-imap users!
>balsa-list mailing list

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