[jan intevation de: ANN: Sphinx (S/MIME, X.509) project for MUAs (KMail, mutt)]

This is a cross post from the mutt-devel list. Maybe this is a good news in
the gnupg front ? :)

----- Forwarded message from Jan-Oliver Wagner <jan@intevation.de> -----

Delivered-To: chbm-chbm:nu-chbm@chbm.nu
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Delivered-To: mutt-dev@ns.gbnet.net
Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2001 15:17:29 +0200
From: Jan-Oliver Wagner <jan@intevation.de>
To: mutt-dev@mutt.org
Subject: ANN: Sphinx (S/MIME, X.509) project for MUAs (KMail, mutt)
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Dear list,

we are happy to announce that the German 
"Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik"
(Federal Agency for IT Security, BSI)
contracted us (Intevation, Klarälvdalens Datakonsult and g10 Code)
to make sure that Free Software for their email security
standard Sphinx will be created. 

Sphinx basically consists of S/MIME, a PKIX compatible X.509
profile, together with certificate revocation lists (CRLs)
based on LDAP. The code developed will be modular
allowing inclusion in several MUAs released under the GNU GPL.  
Part of the contract with the BSI is the inclusion in mutt
and KMail.

The initial project pages can be reached from the URL below.
We wanted to get the good news out to you as fast as possible.
Expect more information to get released on the website or on the 
corresponding mailing lists. 

We plan to do the development in an open manner suitable
for Free Software projects. We want to handle the project in a 
way that it will leverage and add to the work of other developers
and ask for your collaboration. The BSI pays us to ensure that their
specs are followed precisely and the result passes strict tests.
This is the first time the BSI contracts for Free Software development
and the experiences they make will be important.

We will demonstrate the power of commercial Free Software.


Jan-Oliver Wagner               http://intevation.de/~jan/

Intevation GmbH	              	     http://intevation.de/
FreeGIS	                               http://freegis.org/

----- End forwarded message -----

Carlos Morgado - chbm(at)chbm(dot)nu - http://chbm.nu/ -- gpgkey: 0x1FC57F0A 
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[sig out on holidays]

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