Re: balsa, and other graphics mailer are slow

On 2001.01.19 09:35:48 +0000 Pawel Salek wrote:
> On 2001-01-19 09:45 Olaf Frączyk wrote:
> > 1. The stupid MS Exchange works very nice with 290 MB !!!! mailbox.
> This is a good point. Having a possibility to read mbox type mailboxes
> for compatybility should not stop us from having own (or not own) high
> performance mailbox format. I would expect that getting own format
> should be rather easy now thanks to Ian and his work on restructuring
> Mailbox code but the question is we should create own format or reuse
> some other that is already available.

look into jwz's rant about netscape3 vs. netscape4 mailfolders.
he used a std mbox + an index file in netscape3 and it was indeed fast.
it has some advantages like *not locking in*. ie. you can read you mail
with whatever mailer you want. if the mbox is not consistent with the 
index you just recreate it.
the index contains the basic message info for creating the message list 
(from, subject, threading position) and the offset in the mbox.

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