Re: Scope of Conference

Ah, right. I missed on the conventions.

On 20 March 2012 08:55, Emily Chen <emilychen522 gmail com> wrote:
Hi Chandni,

Usually, call for papers will be announced on Planet GNOME. Sponsors' brochure can be present in GNOME Advisory board meeting. Organizer contact potential sponsors by emails.

Both call for paper and call for sponsors are on our website.


2012/3/20 Chandni Verma <chandniverma2112 gmail com>

My input:
Is the call for sponsor out on planet GNOME yet?
I know it will help you by giving you a lot of eyes and ears.

That's the first thing to do in my opinion.

> For the training, we found it is really appealing when hosted in university.
> Many students like this part, they can learn something even they are new to
> GNOME. We also can provide certificate for students, Karen or  Brian can
> sign on the certificate, as ED and Chairman of the GNOME Foundation. It is
> also easy to arrange a training session, we only need to choose several
> topics from our speakers. 2011 summit's training session has a good
> example:

Yes, we are negotiating with Universities and hope to attract students.

> Then for after hour, it can be a one day trip (usually for speakers and
> organizer ), Party. movie or football match, this is various in different
> culture and country. Organizer can make the best decision.
> -Emily
> 2012/3/19 Haggen So <haggenso gmail com>
>> Hi All,
>> While we are negotiating for a venue and try to book the right hotel, it
>> will be helpful to fix the scope the the conference. According to the
>> original proposal
>> ("">)
>> It will be a 1 Day Conferece + 1 Day Tour + 5 Day Hackfest.
>> Emily suggested to have a community track. This is noted and will be
>> considered seriously when we put together the conference schedule.
>> Is this the scope that everyone comfortable with? The 5 day hackfest is
>> actually copied from last years' proposal. With GNOME 3 to be released,
>> there were plenty of work to be done. As I know that a number of person are
>> interested in the "Adapting GNOME to New Types of Devices", some topic
>> within the hackfest can be related to that as well.
>> Any comments?
>> Regards,
>> Haggen
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Chandni Verma
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