Re: Sponsorship document for GNOME.Asia 2011

On Fri, 2011-01-21 at 16:44 +-0800, Frederic Muller wrote:
+AD4 Dear all,
+AD4 I've taken the liberty to write a different version keeping some of the 
+AD4 work and changing some of our catch lines.

IMHO, wouldn't it be unprofessional to rewrite sponsorship doc after we
have spent many hours in preparing the initial draft and even spent tiem
in incorporating the review comments.

+AD4 The text being quite different I have attached a text file (rather than 
+AD4 overwriting the wiki) and would like to gather some feedback first. Note 
+AD4 that everything under +ACI-The Sponsor process+ACI in the wiki page plugs under 
+AD4 my text.

- Local team (Parag, Bharath and myself) still feels that we should have
soft deadline like March 10, 2011 for key sponsors. We should at least
come to know about first three key sponsors (Platinum, Gold and Silver)
by this time line other wise it will be a big problem to fund the event.

From document +AFs-1+AF0, we would like to add below content.

Important Dates

    +ACo Sponsorship Decision: Mar 10, 2011
    +ACo Logo Receipt: Mar 14, 2011
    +ACo Banners: Mar 14, 2011
    +ACo Event Begins: Mar 28, 2011
    +ACo Event Ends: Apr 2, 2011 

There is no hard deadline for the sponsors. An early decision would help
us include and market the sponsors better on the printed material and to
the media.

The local team would start printing the marketing material by Mar 14 and
would love to have the logos of all the sponsors handy by then. The
deadline is also to be sure we do not miss on some funding the travel
for some international speakers


That's all from my side and i am perfectly fine with committee's
decision in future.


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