Re: IRC Meeting Action Items - 20100921


Everybody to look at : and think of
starting an Asian event box to be produced and used in Asia. Ideas can
be collected on

What I think is more important is to have the brochures, pamphlets,
banners, etc. available and translated to Asian languages.  This is
probably the first step before acquiring a laptop.

It may not be necessary for GNOME.Asia Event Box to include a laptop.
It is often possible for people running booths to use their own
computers to demonstrate GNOME, for example.

I think the brochures, pamphlets, banners, etc. are actually the most
important thing in the Event Box.  But they are only useful in Asia if
they are translated.

I'd say getting the stuff translated should be done before worrying
about getting a laptop in the Event Box.

I am thinking about have a GNOME store in China, and we can produce
several event kit and send to other places where there is a GNOME group.
For example, we can send to Taipei, Indian, etc.

Nice idea!


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