Re: GNOME.Asia Summit 2011 Proposal from Indonesia

Overall it looks like a very well done proposal.  I would like to see
some areas expanded upon, though:

- How is network availability going to be handled?  This event will
  obviously require some not-insignificant internet connectivity so
  there should be a plan.  What, for example, is the network bandwidth?
  Will there be any costs associated with the network?

- All expenses seem equally weighted.  It would be nice to see them
  prioritized.  Is the tour the only "optional" expense?  Some printed
  materials, such as t-shirts, could be given to only those who pay an
  entrance fee.  It would be nice to see more options about how the
  event could be financed, and what the minimal cost without optional
  items would be.  Might be better to separate travel costs.

- You provide some high-level information about the audience and event
  organization, but I would like to know more details about how
  activities will be arranged, such as the Hackfest.  Will the local
  team work directly with the GNOME Marketing team, Release team, etc.
  to set up events and activities (such as a proposed "Help Desk")?  Or
  is it expected that GNOME volunteers who are not in the local team
  will take care of these sorts of tasks.

  In general, it would be nice to have a clearer picture of what
  expectations the local team has in its relationship with The GNOME
  Foundation and GNOME.Asia.  For example, how will communications be
  handled, on a mailing list?  Who will be responsible for making
  sure periodic updates are sent to the appropriate people, etcetera?



On 11/28/10 12:44 AM, Utian Ayuba wrote:
Dear all,

Please find attached the proposal submitted by me and my friends from
Indonesia. We wrote this proposal in a tiny time so you'll find that
ours is not as glorious as Hongkong team's :D, but we seriously to
conduct the event.

This proposal is aimed only for host country selection process. We still
need to make more improvement for sponsor needs.

I also will ask my friend to join our upcoming IRC meeting, only if you
all permitting us :)

Thank you

Utian Ayuba

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