Hi Emily,
On 11/24/2010 05:35 PM, Emily Chen wrote:
Hi Pockey,
1. For the goodies, how about add one more items : GNOME annual
report 2009. We can ship one copy per party. The GNOME annual
report can show a general idea of what GNOME community was doing
in the past year.
2. For the T-shirts, can we use the top 3 from this T-shirts
contest ?
Good ideas! I have added them in the wiki page.
We can even adapt the tshirt design to the other goodies.
3. So all the goodies will be printed in English ?
Might be costly if we considering translate to local language. (I
personally think English version is fine. )
Yes all printed materials will be in English, that's the initial
thought and it will be easier for us to work on.
What we will put on the printed materials will be a logo + a simple
message or even just a logo
I suggest we can send the proposal to board-list first to apply
for budget from Foundation then we should send to GNOME marketing
Great! Thanks!
2010/11/20 Pockey Lam <pockeylam gnome org>
Dear all,
One more
project for GNOME.Asia Committee!
It is suggested to give incentives to GNOME 3.0 launch
party organizing teams by providing them goodies if they
registered their teams on or before a deadline. We can
also make use of this campaign to gain publicity of the
GNOME 3.0 release. A drafted proposal can be found on http://live.gnome.org/ThreePointZero/EventSupport
of the proposal:
- We target
100 teams (or more) who registered their GNOME 3.0
launch parties on or before end of Feb 2011
- Suggested goodies include balloons, stickers,
t-shirts, button badges, a few live CDs (GNOME 3.0)
for demo
- Estimated budget (production and shipping): around
6.3K USD, average 630 USD / team
We have 100 team, so 6,300 /100 = 63 USD /team ?
Just want to double confirm with you here.
- We provide other marketing materials online for
local teams to localize and use in their events
- Tentative timeline: mid December 2010 to mid April
2011 (from design / artwork to packages arrival to
Your comment / input on this proposed project is highly
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