Re: Proposal for GNOME 3.0 launch party goodies

On 11/22/2010 02:21 AM, Brian Cameron wrote:

Sounds like a great idea.  One issue, though, is that I do not think
we have any "GNOME 3" logos or icons to put on the goodies.  I suppose
we could use the generic GNOME logo if there isn't a "GNOME 3" to use.
But, it seems that something special for "GNOME 3" would be nicer.
Thanks for your comments! I have added the following remarks in the proposal:
# Either GNOME 3.0 logo or generic GNOME logo can be printed on each 
promotional materials with message of celebration of GNOME 3.0.
GNOME.Asia can work together with the marketing / design team on the 
GNOME 3.0 logo as well as to define the promotional message on these 

On 11/19/10 10:22 PM, Pockey Lam wrote:
  Dear all,

One more project for GNOME.Asia Committee!

It is suggested to give incentives to GNOME 3.0 launch party organizing
teams by providing them goodies if they registered their teams on or
before a deadline. We can also make use of this campaign to gain
publicity of the GNOME 3.0 release. A drafted proposal can be found on

    *Highlights of the proposal: *

        * We target 100 teams (or more) who registered their GNOME 3.0
          launch parties on or before end of Feb 2011
        * Suggested goodies include balloons, stickers, t-shirts, button
          badges, a few live CDs (GNOME 3.0) for demo
        * Estimated budget (production and shipping): around 6.3K USD,
          average 630 USD / team
        * We provide other marketing materials online for local teams to
          localize and use in their events
        * Tentative timeline: mid December 2010 to mid April 2011 (from
          design / artwork to packages arrival to teams)

Your comment / input on this proposed project is highly appreciated.


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