Re: [anjuta-list] Problems with Anjuta

On 12/12/12 05:53, John Coppens wrote:
On Wed, 12 Dec 2012 01:48:50 +0100
Lanoxx <lanoxx gmx net> wrote:

But I think the problem is also a
little different. Anjuta does remember the settings that I choose in the
Preferences. But somehow they are not really applied.
Yes, I think you are right...

I have configured tabs=8 spaces, and after restarting anjuta, it came up
with tabs 4 characters long. Now that dconf is installed, anjuta really
remembered the tabs=8, just doesn't apply it.
I have played a bit more with the problem. If I open a file and press the TAB key, then at first a TAB character is inserted, then when I switch to another open tab and then back to the original tab and press TAB again, then the result depends on whether the following line is present:

/* vim: set ts=4 sts=4 sw=4 expandtab textwidth=112: */

If it is present, then on switching back to the original tab, now 4 spaces are inserted. When I remove the line and open a tab and then switch away and back, still a TAB character is inserted.

I have the option Indentation->"Prefer vim/emacs modelines over indentation settings" activated. If I deactivated, then I always get the TAB key. It seems as if the settings are not really consistently applied or maybe they even conflict with each other. The fact that switching a tab and then back changes the indentation settings is at least quite interesting...

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