Re: [Anjuta-list] Confused...

Hi John,

John Coppens a écrit :
I'm afraid I can't dedicate more time today. Will try again when I can.

I have looked at that part of the code. It seems ok after fixing the problem with data field. It doesn't work here because I access my project using a symbolic links (my projects are in /home/seb/Projects which is a symbolic link to /mnt/prog). The project root directory is /mnt/prog/Project/foo while the target is named /home/seb/Projects/foo. But I think such case is quite uncommon and it doesn't bother me enough to fix it for the moment.

Else, if you are not in this case it should work. The corresponding code with more comments is:

/* Return a GList of non translated configuration name normally
 * NULL, Debug, Profiling, Optimized
 * The name should be used as id only and are allocated inside
 * the builder plugin, they shouldn't be freed */
cfg_list = ianjuta_builder_list_configuration (builder, NULL);

/* Look for a configuration named Debug, which is supposed to
 * be the debugging configuration. Checking the configuration
 * name */
found = g_list_find_custom(cfg_list, IANJUTA_BUILDER_CONFIGURATION_DEBUG, (GCompareFunc)strcmp);

if (found != NULL)
	/* Try to find in which build tree is the given target. For
	 * doing this, it enumerates all possible configuration and
  	 * check if the start of the URI correspond to the build
	 * directory of the configuration, return the untranslated
	 * name. It fails here for me, because the target URI use
	 * the symbolic name while the project URI use the real
	 * name. */
if (ianjuta_builder_get_uri_configuration (builder, target, NULL) != (const gchar *)found->data)
		/* Show the warning dialog */
        	if (!show_check_debug_dialog (this)) return FALSE;

Best Regards,


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