Re: [Anjuta-list] Confused...

Hi John,

John Coppens a écrit :
So, making a Work/ dir alongside Debug/ and Optimized/ would avoid the
necessity to "Remove configuration"?


But it is still possible to configure the project in the source directory, outside Anjuta or even inside by choosing the source directory as the build directory.

Moreover, building the program inside the source directory is the most common way to do it. It is possible that some project doesn't support to be built outside the source directory in a Debug directory.

An important goal of Anjuta is to allow using standard tools, so this remove configuration has to be supported. Even if I'm agree that it makes things more difficult.

I believe all my problems came from putting the Debug/ inside the src/


Now I have a problems which I can't seem to find the cause of:
- I can configure (as Debug)
- Build (src) and Build (project) run fine - Configure project runs ok (with or w/o regenerate)
- I can do a make inside Debug from a terminal window
- BUT, If I start a debug session, I get:
Building in directory: .../myproject/debug/debug

which fails, probably because of the extra /debug. But I can't find where
the extra debug is added. It's not in the Build directory (only one
debug/), or in the project.

I think it comes from the chosen debug executable. It is defined in Run->Program parameters. You have to select which program you want to debug. I have tried to use useful default value, but when you change the configuration, the executable is not the same and this value is not updated.



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