wow i tried it and it works! very well done, also so quickly! and as u asked, bug report! - it puts into the folder of my project these files tags.cache tm.tags [projectname].pws (other than [projectname].prj), could they be put somewhere else? - as document files i have also CHANGES and CREDITS, and i've added them and they were imported successfully, if anybody else wants to do such a thing look at the veryverylittle path attached... - how to make the version autodetection work? i had a look but i know almost nothing of scripts... - it should be nice if the Makefile too was added to the source files, but i didn't manage how to do it - it didn't import .h files, but this is due to the incude bug right? PS: indeed an automatic detection of Makefile dependencies should be nice, *BUT* only if it is trivial to implement for u, since it is trivial to manually check them for me! :) -- "User has performed an invalid operation and will be terminated" Lorenzo Petrone, Windows 2020 Cyberpunk Edition _.-:/°^^°\:-._.-:/°^^°\:-._ __. ____ - Lo'oRiS il Kabukimono - / /| /^___ \ Real Name: Lorenzo Petrone / / / / /L_/ / e-mail: _lano_ libero it / / / / ___-°/ #lano / /_/__ / /|__-° /______/| /__/ / ^°\:-.__.-:/°^°\:-.__.-:/°^ |______|/ |__L/
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