Re: [Anjuta-list] Large Project support

Naba Kumar wrote:
> Uh you seem to want too many things at once..

Heh - scary isn't it? With development moving this fast, everyone
wants their favourite feature :-)

Should we draw up a list which would enable us to prioritise which
features to implement, in which order - and also, to start to think
about a release schedule of some form? Think of something like
Mozilla's milestones: we don't have to put dates on things, as I don't
think many of us have time to be able to commit to dates, but it would
be nice to be able to say "feature (x) is due to be implemented by
version 0.2.x..."

> Configureing short cuts:
> ------------------------
>   Goto the menu item you want to configure the short cut,
>   hilite it with mouse and press your new key assignment.
>   The changes will also retain in subequent sessions.

I didn't know this! Cool. What I will do, is add a reference to the
existing shortcut keys into the manual, and make a note in the
preferences section that you can customise them like this. I think I
will probably deliver what I have done of the manual sometime soon, so
that people can start to use it (actually, the content is very similar
to what already exists, I have just GNOME-ified it :) - then, start to
add more.


Andy Piper - Fareham, Hampshire (UK)
andy piper freeuk com - ICQ #86489434

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