Re: [anjuta-devel] The new parser-engine Plugin


Yesterday I assured me, that only the language support plugins use the 
IAnjutaProvider. But I overlooked the snippets-manager plugin, which I 
recognized today.

Have you though about just creating a subinterface like
IAnjutaLanguageProvider so that IAnjutaProvider can still exist as it
was before. Everything implement IAnjutaLanguageProvider will implement
IAnjutaProvider. See the IAnjutaEditor* interfaces for examples.

About finalize(), you just overwrite it in class_init

object->finalize = my_plugin_finalize

it is called automatically when the object is destroyed. Have a look at
the GObject documentation for details and be sure to chain up the parent
object's finalize method.

About the GdaHolder thing - this is definitly a memory corruption.


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