Re: [anjuta-devel] The new parser-engine Plugin


This was the first what I tried. IAnjutaCalltipProvider isn't realised
in the plugin.c, but implemented with G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE and
G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE [1] in the assist class of each plugin.

If you query interfaces using ianjuta_shell you have to implement them in
the main class that derives from AnjutaPlugin.

Some other interfaces in other plugins are implemented in the same way.
So I thought this is the right way.

Yes, but those cannot be queried, usually these are helper objects
returned by some method.

In my original reply I didn't mean the plugin.c file but the .plugin.IN
file. The ianjuta_shell_query_interface() methods relies on the metadata
as the plugin is potentially not even loaded at the point. So, apart from
implementing the interface in the AnjutaPlugin subclass you will have to
add IAnjutaCalltipProvider to the Interfaces section in the


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