Re: [xslt] Win2K,xsltproc ignores catalog

On Sat, Feb 15, 2003 at 11:26:27PM +0100, Wim de Vries wrote:
> >   No, that actually mean to look for /art500.dtd on the .art500 host
> >using the file protocol. The file scheme has no provision for relative
> >paths. If you want to use a relative path then use "./art500/art500.dtd"
> >but that path will be relative to the current base, i.e. the URL of
> >the containing document or the xml:base if there is one in scope.
> mmm...
> catalog.xml (containing document) resides in c:\xsherlock0.1, but by using 
> uri="./art500/art500.dtd"
> the art500.dtd is not found (c:/xsherlock0.1/art500/art500.dtd).

  Normal, c:/xsherlock0.1/art500/art500.dtd  is a file name, good enough
to read the content, but not good enough to build a full URL for relative
path computations. Have you read RFC 2396 since I pointed you at it ?

You may never escape the number of issues around the error of using a
filename for URI until you understand how it's supposed to work !
  c:\xsherlock0.1\catalog.xml + ./art500/art500.dtd
     = art500/art500.dtd

  file:///c:/xsherlock0.1/ctalog.xml + ./art500/art500.dtd 
     = file:///c:/xsherlock0.1/art500/art500.dtd


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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