Re: [xslt] Win2K,xsltproc ignores catalog

> works ok: catalog does not seem to need the file:/// prefix.
> BTW: Do you know how I should handle  a Win path that contains a white
> space in both the above URI's?

If the path has a space, then you must use the URI notation which specifies
how the spaces should be escaped, means the native notation 'c:\some path'
becomes an URI 'file:///c:/some%20path'.

> <public publicId="-//ES//DTD journal article DTD version 5.0.0//EN//XML"
>          uri="c:/test/art500/art500.dtd"/>

Note that even if it works, it is a violation of the XML spec to use native
path notation in a XML file, such as the catalog. You can use the native
path notation in the XML_CATALOG_FILES environment variable (as long the
path has no spaces) and you can use them as a command-line parameter to
xmllint and xsltproc. You should never use it in a XML file.

Besides, things like 'c:/some/thing' are wrong altogether. The Windows
directory separator is a backslash. It is a 'feature' of the C-runtime which
accepts a slash in its stead.  Native Windows API will discard such path as


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