Re: [xml] Most portable xml library?

And is there example code for extracting individual items from the
result?  I don't desire to parse the entire document.
There are plenty of examples, but unless the format you care about has a
"you don't need to parse beyond this" marker, you cannot avoid "parsing"
entire documents, as you need to "parse" to discriminate between things
you care about and things you do not care about.
Even if the format does have a "you don't need to parse beyond this" marker, 
this approach may not be enough.

Consider the case of the wikipedia article about the "you don't need to 
parse beyond this" marker. It's going to be very hard to be sure that what
you're looking at is the actual marker in the file rather than an instance of 
the marker being mentioned in the content. 

If you must do a quick-and-dirty hack that doesn't parse the full XML 
source, however, I recommend that you test your hack regularly on 
far-east asian and R-L language wikiepdias, since these will alert you 
up front to issues which will bite you later.


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