(I know about finding libxml2/libxslt using pkg-config, but am using the older M4 macros to support non-Linux systems without the pkg-config infrastructure.) The attached patches bring the M4 code up to current Autoconf conventions and eliminate "The macro `AC_TRY_RUN/AC_TRY_LINK' is obsolete" warnings from the program. --Daniel P.S.: Please Cc: any replies to me, as I am not subscribed to this list. -- NAME = Daniel Richard G. _\|/_ Remember, skunks MAIL = skunk iSKUNK ORG (/o|o\) _- don't smell bad--- MAIL+= skunk alum MIT EDU < (^),> it's the people who WWW = (not there yet!) / \ annoy us that do!
Description: Text Data
Description: Text Data