Re: [xml] xmlReader dict leak in 2.6.6?

On Tue, Oct 19, 2004 at 10:43:25PM +0100, Graham Bennett wrote:
Ok I've had a go at an example, which is attached.  It should either
demonstrate the problem or my ignorance of the API :) The output could
probably be made more useful for regression testing purposes.

  Okay thanks I'm looking at it. 

If the example is run linked against 2.6.6 some memory is leaked, if
using 2.6.14 nothing is leaked.  I've attached some Purify output for
the 2.6.6 run.  Interestingly, my original test case used
xmlReaderForMemory and in that case Purify showed the memory as
definitely leaked (MLK), but in this case it shows most of it as PLK
(potentially leaked).

  The memory debug mode of the regression tests should be clear enough
to state whether is is leaked or not. I'm integrating your test, then
it should be trivial to find the exact status of that "leak". Either
there is one and the API need changing or the example need changing, 
or there is no leak. I will keep you posted,
  Another way to check for the leak would be to run over the same document
like 10,000 times and see if the memory requirement increased. Both are
worth checking :-)


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Desktop team
veillard redhat com  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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