[xml] Structured error handler not getting called for validation errors

I am using the xmlTextReader interface in conjunction with structured error handling to intercept errors/warnings:



xmlTextReaderPtr reader = xmlReaderForFile(“somfile.xml”, NULL, flags);

xmlTextReaderSetStructuredErrorHandler(reader, myxmlStructuredErrorFunc, NULL);

int status = 1;

while (1 == status) { status = xmlTextReaderRead(reader); }


 It seems that while errors related to well-formedness trigger myxmlStructuredErrorFunc, errors related to validity do not. If instead I use the other error handling technique via:


xmlTextReaderSetErrorHandler(reader, myxmlTextReaderErrorFunc, NULL);


then I find that myxmlTextReaderErrorFunc is triggered for both kinds of errors. However, this type of error handling does not seem to give me the correct line numbers (via xmlTextReaderLocatorLineNumber(locator)).


The problem it seems is that inside error.c::__xmlRaiseError(), the ‘schannel’ variable does not get set because the domain in these instances is XML_FROM_VALID. I have changed this if statement to include this case, and now my error handler gets called appropriately.


I want to know if this is a bug, or if this is by design, and if it’s by design, how can I either trigger structured error handling for validation errors, or retrieve correct line numbers for the other error handling mechanism?


I’m using v2.6.14 on Windows, VC++ 7.1. Thanks in advance for any help.


-Parag Chandra



Parag Chandra
SlickEdit Inc.
Software Engineer
pchandra slickedit com


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