[xml] XSLT trasformation is slow

I have a problem with our libxslt library, I have installed libxml2 and libxslt in sequence on an
Hp-Ux 11.0 64bit machine, from source code and using gcc (GNU free C compiler), because i have the necessity 
to trasform ad Xml file trough a Xslt file in a CSV file and an Html file, I use di xsltproc included in 
libxslt source distribution, the Html trasformation is performed quickly, while the CSV trasformation require 
a long time, the input xml file in both trasformation is the same, but i can't undestand because there is a 
so  big difference time, can you help me with this problem?
The problem seems to be the big dimension of the input file, i have seen that all is performed in a short 
time  if the input file is about 1Mb, but for big file about 16Mb the Csv trasformation time grow exponential.
why happen only for the Csv trasformation while the Html trasfomation is ever performed in short time?
Thanks a lot and best regards.

Riccardo Dolce

Ps: I attached to this email di input xml file,
xslt file that performe the Html trasformation and the CSV trasformation.

Attachment: FileTest.zip
Description: Zip compressed data

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