Re: [xml] xmlWriter?

On Mon, May 12, 2003 at 04:22:43PM +0200, Jeroen Cranendonk wrote:
The only problem I have now is that libxml2 only seems to support writing
files from dom tree's ?

  Hum, right,

which holds the same problem that dom is rather memory consuptive. I'd like
to use a sax interface, or something like the msxml counterpart to the
xmlreader, the xmlwriter. Is there any support in libxml2 to let me do this?
any ideas on how to work around this problem if there isn't ?

  There is no support for the xmlWriter APIs, do you have a pointer
to a document describing the API ? This would definitely help getting
an implementation, I assume it's part of the C# API which went through
the ECMA standard track, right ?

Anyone feels like spending some time on implementing this ? ;)

  Well, I'm trapped in other development work, this sounds like a 
relatively easy to roll standalone module. It can probably be developped
outside of libxml2 code tree and once ready be plugged in (after some
review of course ;-)


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network
veillard redhat com  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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