Re: [xml] Re: [gnomemm] ANNOUNCE: libxml++ is now sane.

I, too, have an API enhancement suggestion: Please consider a
method 'Node::lookup(const std::string &xpath)' that does an
xpath lookup (surprize !) and returns a NodeSet. I'v written
my own C++ wrapper around libxml2 and this method is
incredibly useful in my work...

Seconded, I did that for the Python bindings too and use it
everywhere It's extremely convenient.

The ruby API uses the method 'find' and accepts an xpath
expression.  Could we standardize all of these language bindings
on a single name?

  Hum, that would be "evaluate" <grin/>

That's a funky name... is this what's in use by the rest of the other
lanugage bindings?  -sc

Sean Chittenden

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