Re: [xml-bindings]idom2-pas-beta-1 released (dom2 implementation, based on libxml2 for object pascal)

Hello Daniel,

>   Another question: what's the status of error reporting ? when we
> created that list one of the points raised was troubles to bind new error
> message handlers, did people find a way ? Or is there still a need to
> augment libxml API ?

no, still it seems to be necessary to pre-format error messages in libxml2.
I am too busy atm to work on libxml2 and its pascal translation; however, it
would be nice of you, to add a toggling function that decides if the
messages will be passed as expanded (= formated) or normally, with varargs.
By the way, is there any reason for passing the messages unformated (with
varargs) ? Does the callback function have any chance to use them for any
other purpose than formating ? Maybe changing the api's (in future) to _not_
use varargs would bring no limitation at all.

I know it can be a lot of work to go through the whole C code of libxml2 and
change it at all places (Iam not sure but I think there are many);
unfortunatelly I cannot currently offer you help in this.


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