[xml-bindings]idom2-pas-beta-1 released (dom2 implementation, based on libxml2 for object pascal)


after 4 months of development, the beta1 of the idom2 project
is released.

It contains an libxml2 and an msxml based DOM2 implementation.

It is tested with D5, D6 and Kylix2 Open Edition.

- the libxmldom.pas implemention passes all 375 XPTests
- msxml_impl passes about 2/3 of these tests

- all dom2 core and xml interfaces and methods are implemented
- a good xpath implementation is included
- a simple xslt implementation is included

- the speed of libxmldom.pas is good, AND it is a crossplatform library
  AND open source (yes, it's a feature)

Download and more infos (have a look at the documentation section):


Daniel, could please you add this link to the list of libxml-language

A last question:

Would the python community be interested in a python-wrapper for
this dom implementation?


Uwe Fechner 

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