Re: [xml-bindings]idom2-pas-beta-1 released (dom2 implementation, based on libxml2 for object pascal)

  Hi Uwe,

On Mon, Apr 01, 2002 at 11:05:26AM +0200, ufechner wrote:
> - the speed of libxmldom.pas is good, AND it is a crossplatform library
>   AND open source (yes, it's a feature)

  I'm a bit lost, do you mean it work for Windows and Linux environments
from Borland ?

> Download and more infos (have a look at the documentation section):
> Daniel, could please you add this link to the list of libxml-language
> bindings?

  Sure, added. Just wondering, is there a relationship with

> A last question:
> Would the python community be interested in a python-wrapper for
> this dom implementation?

  Hum, a good DOM2 interface would be nice, but I'm wondering about
how much glue code is actually needed. How large is your library ? 
I didn't checked gdome2 either recently.

  Another question: what's the status of error reporting ? when we initially
created that list one of the points raised was troubles to bind new error
message handlers, did people find a way ? Or is there still a need to 
augment libxml API ?


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network
veillard redhat com  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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