Re: [RFC] _NET_WORKAREA and Xinerama


So another line of thought is to think about the shapes, 
say you take your initial rectangle (the screen) as a region, and
subtract all your strut-edges. This leaves a shape.

In theory, it leaves an almost arbitrary shape (though all edges are
perpendicular), but it seems reasonable to enforce that it's a single
contiguous region (i.e. if someone has a basketweave of panels, the WM
could just decide they are on crack and make up a contiguous region
anyway). A simple way to define this is that if you compute the
non-strut-covered region and it isn't contiguous, you simply pick the
largest contiguous area of the region then drop all the other areas.
How to compute that I don't know but if you can do flood fill surely
there's a way. ;-)

So once you have your contiguous region, possible window positions and
sizes are those that are inside this region. Maybe there is a
reasonable way to compute that.


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