Re: [Vala] Vala on Windows

Andrew Flegg escribió:
2008/11/7 gege2061 <gege2061 redaction-developpez com>:
I could create one package with differents options:

Full : vala + gtk + wingw
Compact : vala + gtk
Custom : vala + what you want

In all cases, you can choose the directory.

It's easier to maintain a single package!

What you think about this idea?
Sounds perfect. I've had good experience using InnoSetup[1] for
building Windows installers, but YMMV.

I use NSIS that seems like more spread in free software community:

GTK+, emule, openoffice, mono, etc use the NSIS scripting language.
The only possible downside would be the size of the package if mingw +
Gtk is much larger than Vala itself. However, if it only adds a few
megs to the total package size, I don't think that'd be too bad.

Hope that helps,



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