Re: [Vala] Vala bindings to GNet

On Sat, 2007-09-08 at 06:42 +0200, pancake wrote:
Uh. Just to say 'Hi!' to the list and ask some questions :)

 - How is the gnet port? I need to 

I haven't tried it myself. Test it and tell us :)

 - Is there any way to use a preprocessor with Vala?

Currently there is no preprocessor-like functionality in Vala. What
preprocessor features are you interested in? #if, string defines,
macros, or something else? #if will possibly get in at some point of
time, string defines are uncertain, macros very unlikely.

 - How can I call inlined C code from Vala?

There is no difference between inlined and non-inlined C code from a API
perspective, so there is also no difference when you bind it in a VAPI.

 - What is the threading stuff state?

It's mostly just a binding of the gthread functionality, so it should
work fine but probably not very much tested from Vala applications.

 - How can I manage with execve's, popens and system()?

Have a look at the Process class in the glib bindings. If you need
low-level POSIX functionality, you'd need to add it to a separate VAPI.

And a final tip:

 - I think to avoid namespacing problems we can force filenames to
   be lowercase to avoid collisions with Namespaces and Classes.
   Having this rule as a 'standard' language rule we can avoid some
   newbye problems

There are no conflicts between names of namespaces and source files. The
reason why e.g. Gtk.vala causes problems is that both, the gtk.h of Gtk+
and the generated Gtk.h use __GTK_H__ as #define guard to avoid multiple
inclusion of the same file. Has anyone an idea how to fix this? We could
prefix it by VALA, I guess but maybe there is a better solution.

Finally I would like to say that I'm really happy to see this project
going up. I was looking for something like that and I have finally
found the right project :)



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