Re: [Usability] Category Management (i.e. Rhythmbox Music Player)

On Sat, 2008-06-14 at 18:46 -0700, Kirk Bridger wrote:
> I certainly understand the differences and I don't pretend to think that 
> they're not both useful.  What I don't get is how the use cases of a 
> music player need browsing.  Maybe I have so many titles I stopped 
> browsing a long time ago and only use directed searches now to find 
> things, but I'd love to hear some scenarios or use cases for browsing.

For what it's worth, my two most common wishes are
(1) listen to a specific item
(2) listen to a piano concert, or a 19th century German symphony,
    or (more often) 20th century organ music, or Goth rock...

I certainly don't remember which of my CDs I've ripped onto disk,
so searching doesn't get me very far in a lot of cases.

Of course, some music programs, such as quod libet, blur the
distinction between search and browse, e.g. using tagging.

"Choose 60 goth rock songs interspersed with some dark classical
music" isn't something I could easily do by searching.

On the other hand, I use audacious and a directory structure that
I can browse with File->open most of the time...


Liam Quin - XML Activity Lead, W3C,
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