Re: [Usability] Query Drag - right instead of middle Click

> Windows does query-drag on the right button, but (as one of the  
> comments in the bug report alludes to) they do this by waiting for the  
> mouse-up event to decide whether a query-drag has happened or (if not)  
> the context menu should be shown.  I've never found this a major  
> distraction personally, but it's certainly an inconsistency compared  
> to how regular menus work (shown immediately on the mouse-down event).

So it doesn't distract me either, but there is also an alternative
method of using the context menu where you hold down the right mouse
button and release to select the item (so it is a single right click
drag). I don't know anyone who actually does this, but I've never done a
usability study in my life, so maybe it is common in some groups.

On the other hand, I think you can make a fairly strong case for
removing this method of accessing the context menu since the cost of
accidentally releasing the right mouse button (which I can imagine would
be more common given that it is a less common action requiring moving
the mouse while holding a button with a weaker finger) on a context menu
is a lot higher than an accidental release on a query drag (since the
menu that is displayed will always have a 'Cancel' option, and in the
case of the context menu, you will have no cue as to which option you
just accidentally selected or how to go about undoing it).

> There's no real equivalent on OS X.
> Cheeri,
> Calum.

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