Re: [Usability] Copy/double click feedback


On 9/28/07, Calum Benson <Calum Benson sun com> wrote:
> On Fri, 2007-09-28 at 14:17 +0200, lorenzo wrote:
> > 2. double click does not provide feedback. Double click is a standard
> > feature and is "broken".
> Perhaps a more accurate description of this problem is that objects
> don't convey to the user whether they should be clicked or double
> clicked... i.e. their affordances aren't obvious.

In the real life you interact with objects with a 2 step process:
1) touch the objects (in some way directly or indirectly)
2) apply a function on it

For example if you need to drag a pen, you first touch the pen
handling it and then move it.

I think that we have apply a similar methos to desktop handling in the form of:
1) activate objects with one click, the objects aquire focus and it's
ready to receive signals
2) do something with another click or applying drops or eveything else.

If after a defined time (1 second, 2 second..depends) the object does
not receive signals, it release the focus.

Image a file:
Click and it aquire focus.
Click again and it open.
No double click performance sport required, just simple click.
If the file does not receive another click after 3 seconds it release the focus.
If the file receive the second click into 3 seconds it will be opened
(or something else)
if you hold the second click for 2 seconds a popup menu with extendend
methods appear letting you choos more action like : send to... :)

One button, on click.

I'm thinking this will good if applyied to opened windows, image that
you activated with the first click the application window and you can
drag the window as you need without the use of the window manager bar
but just where the pointer is into the window.If you click again you
go inside the application like usually we do today having the window

Must be better investigated but seems a viable solution.



Luca Cappelletti

"...Together we stand, divided we fall."


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