Re: [Usability] Dialogs and Maximize button

On Sep 18, 2006, at 9:28 AM, Sebastian Heinlein wrote:

Am Sonntag, den 10.09.2006, 17:21 +1200 schrieb Matthew Paul Thomas:

Some of the content useful for more advanced users it outside the
default visible area, and can be scrolled to.

I don't think I've ever seen a window like that. Can you give an

The synaptic download window and all of its error dialogs, which also
display the terminal output of apt.

Wow, you're right. The listbox in the download window probably should be replaced by text for the currently downloading file:
    \/ Time remaining: about 7 hours

          Downloading: linux-image-2.6.15-27-386
                 Rate: 2897 B/s

The error alerts could similarly be made more useful by parsing the terminal output and replacing the listboxes with text, something like:

    3 of the 27 files (including
    “linux-image-2.6.15-27-386_2.6.15-27.48_i386.deb” from could not be downloaded. Do you want to
    install the 4 packages that all files were downloaded for?

    ( Open Full Log )          ( Cancel ) (( Install 4 Anyway ))

(The button wording sucks, I know.) Anyway, these are quite unusual cases, so I don't think they warrant making alerts maximizable. The lack of a maximize button is one of the visual cues that "this is an alert".

Matthew Paul Thomas

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