Re: [Usability] Alternatives to nautilus for two paned file management

Il giorno lun, 19/12/2005 alle 16.43 +0000, Iain * ha scritto:
> With this in mind, I have decided to fork gnome!
> It will be called Richard's Desktop Environment and this ethos will be
> to make the perfect desktop for Richard Hebert, by listening to
> exactly what he wants

Is this supposed to be funny? No offense meant, but it's just this kind
of reply that gives ammunition to those thinking that most Gnome
developers/supporters are f****** idiots and interface nazis.

Go read Alan Horkan's patient reply: a constructive answer is possible
if you mostly disagree with the other guy.


Roberto Rosselli Del Turco      roberto.rossellidelturco at
Dipartimento di Scienze         rosselli at
del Linguaggio                  Then spoke the thunder  DA
Universita' di Torino           Datta: what have we given?  (TSE)
  Hige sceal the heardra,     heorte the cenre,
  mod sceal the mare,       the ure maegen litlath.  (Maldon 312-3)

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