Re: [Usability] GIMP - CSDI and Toolbox - gnome HiG and window manager issue?

On Mon, 2004-06-14 at 14:52, Marek Peteraj wrote:
> The problem here is that the HiG encourages SDI/MDI as the ultimate
> solution which for professional 2D graphics applications in general
> is wrong.

The case against SDI was well stated by Thorsten previously.

But I'm still not convinced against MDI. If you view graphic editing
as a singular activity (which I usually do) there is logic to
organizing all objects in that task to some singular control node.

For me, this is at the task list. (Which splits discussion about a
false master window to another thread.)

Why can't the task list be slightly enhanced to indicate a grouping of
windows as one task? A grouping could be indicated with a heavier
frame and act like the drop down list of the task/window selector.

Steve Hall  [ digitect mindspring com ]

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