[Usability]GNOME main menu and panel

Does anyone know who is responsible for the GNOME main
menu?? Because it's terrible!! 
For example: screenshot as a main menu???? strange,
strange. How can anyone take GNOME serious this way?
Gnome must get a new menu, probably something like
WindowsXP. People of KDE are also working on something
like this. (I think it will be even better that XP)
Can someone write a program like this?
I would like to help designing the interface...

And does anyone know who is responsible for the choice
of having two panels as default instead of just one at
the bottum?
Because this simply doesn't work. (Where is the
usabilty?????) It uses more space than needed. It
looks terrible when you have your window maximized.

GNOME will never been taken serious and will never be
used by the mass if this doesn't change.
The default must be one panel at the bottum!!!

I would like to see GNOME more usable and used by more
It's also very important for companies like Ximian if
they want to sell there software. (Companies have to
take the software serious)

Greetings jeroen

send an email to Jeroenverh2002 yahoo com

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