Re: [Usability]gnome-file-dialog UI update

I find the layout incredibly confusing; nothing is ordered - neither by
name or by directory|file, som stuff appears twice in the list, and the
list can't seem to decide whether it is one column or two (or maybe it's
one column and I just don't understand what "Desktop (MM) \mp3" is

Or is "Recent" a separator, not a file? If it is, it needs to be made a
_lot_ clearer in my view.

I think it would help giving feedback on this if you could show the entire dialog, rather than just a piece of it.

On 05 Nov 2002 14:26:51 +0100
MM <m menheere gmx net> wrote:

> Hey people,
> It has been a while, but I think the UI is in its final stages of
> development. New screenshots are available. 
> The screenshots show the quicklink menu (the flashing part), to access
> default folders as Home, Desktop and Documents and below that a recent
> section. The recent section shows the folders in order of use, latest
> used folder is on top. The recent section should be application
> specific.
> I don't think I like bookmarks because that would take to much effort on
> the users part. It is too heavy duty for a file-dialog IMHO.  
> Thomas Cataldo seems to be hard at work implementing a backend. My hope
> is the next release has a working filesystem view. 
> You can check out our efforts on sourceforge cvs. 
> Greetz MM
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