Re: [Usability]fullscreen mode

Sinzui Kobalt <sinzui cox rr com> writes: 
> I was a big user if Galeon's fullscreen mode when I had an 800x600
> screen.  Too many Web sites cannot be seen correctly on small screens. 
> Until most of the Web sites are made for users, and not the creators,
> fullscreen is more usable for browsing.

Yeah, if you consider that fullscreen lets you lose the panel as well
as the titlebar, it's a lot of space.

> But I do think we need some rules when using it.  Alt-tab is busted in
> Galeon's fullscreen mode.  There should be button to normal mode, and
> something that gives access to apps outside the browser.

This is why gnome-terminal fullscreen mode requires window manager
support, so Alt-tab etc. continue to work correctly.


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