Re: [Tracker] Merging the indexer-split branch to TRUNK

2008/9/25 Martyn Russell <martyn imendio com>:
Michael Biebl wrote:
Please see [1] for further info on DESTDIR
Proper DESTDIR support is required, to build the Debian/Ubuntu packages.
The install stage runs unprivileged and usurally installes the files
into a tmp dir
debian/tmp via "make install DESTDIR=debian/tmp" from where the
package is created.


So, to support DESTDIR, should look something like:

        rm -Rf $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/trackerd
        rm -Rf $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/tracker-indexer
Well, sure that's what the documentation says. But we don't do that for
any other variable we use and they work fine for me when using make
distcheck and when building debian packages. Probably because they set
the environment variable and automake sorts out the magic.
Yep, DESTDIR support is automatically added for the default install rules.

If you are writing your own install hooks, you have to add DESTDIR
support yourself
Up until now, we haven't used a dir variable in a install hook.

Just google for "DESTDIR install hook"

But either way, I too agree with you in whole. Normally I wouldn't have
added this. I simply added it because Jamie and I discussed it and it
was symptomatic of what Jamie found when he upgraded and we agreed we
would do something to fix it.

Carlos suggested perhaps checking in and putting it right
at the bottom in BOLD letters so people know it will happen? So maybe
that's better, then people are informed and know make install will
replace old files. We could even add a command line switch for it to
disable it, but I think that is going too far.
I am adding the message.
Indepedent from that, DESTDIR support should be added.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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