Re: [Tracker] Tracker, Nautilus, Feisty--A Few Questions

Il giorno sab, 12/05/2007 alle 13.29 -0700, greg ha scritto:
Hi Michele,

Please forgive my ignorance. I'm relatively new to this level of linux
customization and have very little experience with svn and compiling.
I'm like a linux sheep, I just follow the instructions I'm given.
        a) Do I already have tracker-lib installed if I installed
        tracker and tracker-util? Or do I need to get tracker-lib from
        tracker-devel? And where do I find tracker-devel if it is

If you have installed tracker from a deb or rpm maybe there is a package
tracker-dev where there is the library that you need. You have only to
install it.

        b) Are you saying that once I have tracker-lib installed if I
        perform a routine compile of Nautilus, then tracker will
        automatically be enabled in Nautilus? And I don't have to do
        anything else?

Yes, Nautilus will automatically detects the tracker lib at configure
time. At least from ver (2.13.4 or higher)

        c) If I get a tarball of my current Nautilus (2.18.1) and
        recompile it with tracker-lib installed,  when I do a make
        install it will replace/update my current installation of
        Nautilus with the tracker enabled version?

It depends on the prefix you use during the configure script, and how
the nautilus was compiled by your distribution.

Refer to your disto doc to know how to compile a package from the source
that plays well with the packet manager.

I think a Nautilus view is something that you are looking for. But I can
be terribly wrong. ;)

I'll look into it. Is Nautilus View a plug-in or extension or just the
view built into Nautilus? I think one of the most powerful things
about tags is that you can create tag based folders (like Smart
Folders in OSX). This allows you to keep copies of a document in
multiple folders without having multiple copies of the document.
Especially useful for a grad student or someone who reuses documents,
like PDFs, in many different projects. 

There was an on-going work on this topic made by John[1].
I don't know the status ;)

Right now (AFAIK) it is possibile to tag with:
1) command line
2) tracker-gui
Where do I get tracker-gui? I typed that into terminal and got
nothing. The tracker-search-tool is the only gui I have and seems to
have nothing indicating tagging files

The tag ability from the gui will be available from the 0.6 (current
Not from the 0.5.4 (current stable)


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