Hi Michele, Thank you very much for your response. Please forgive my ignorance. I'm relatively new to this level of linux customization and have very little experience with svn and compiling. I'm like a linux sheep, I just follow the instructions I'm given.To enable Nautilus using the tracker this are the things that you have to do: 1) Compile Nautilus when you have tracker-lib installed (Already installed if you compile from svn, otherwise look for something like tracker-devel) 2) You have done. a) Do I already have tracker-lib installed if I installed tracker and tracker-util? Or do I need to get tracker-lib from tracker-devel? And where do I find tracker-devel if it is needed? I've already uninstalled Beagle. I thought it was painfully slow. Tracker feels much snappier.Note: If Beagle is running it gets the priority. If you want to make sure that tracker is picked up by the Nautilus, stop beagle. I'll look into it. Is Nautilus View a plug-in or extension or just the view built into Nautilus? I think one of the most powerful things about tags is that you can create tag based folders (like Smart Folders in OSX). This allows you to keep copies of a document in multiple folders without having multiple copies of the document. Especially useful for a grad student or someone who reuses documents, like PDFs, in many different projects.I think a Nautilus view is something that you are looking for. But I can be terribly wrong. ;) Where do I get tracker-gui? I typed that into terminal and got nothing. The tracker-search-tool is the only gui I have and seems to have nothing indicating tagging filesRight now (AFAIK) it is possibile to tag with: 1) command line 2) tracker-gui Thanks again. I really appreciate it...cheers! -Greg |