Re: [Tracker] [PATCH] fixing some bad misbehavior

On 7/26/07, jamie <jamiemcc blueyonder co uk> wrote:

it was not right - it was much more work to do it right which I have

Yep, pretty big and complex patch.

I have corrected and applied so pls test it works ok for you

Here is what I tested:

 Watch: Desktop
 Crawl: Desktop/files
 Result: all indexed, only Desktop - Desktop/files is watched (i.e.
the subdir is not watched). This is as expected.

 Watch: Desktop/files
 Crawl: Desktop
 Result: all indexed, neither of them watched, because everything
under Desktop is a crawl only dir - so Desktop/files is not watched.
As above this is correct, though, it took me a moment to comprehend.

 Watch: index_a;index_b
 Crawl: crawl_a;crawl_b
 NoWatch: index_b/nowatch
 Result: everything wors as expected: all directories are at first
indexed. crawl_[ab] and index_b/nowatch are then not watched.

So - this is very nice! Thanks very much! Apart from that, did I missed a test?

 we dont need the subdir test as we now do crawled files after watched
ones  (tracker will not reindex stuff unless the mod date has changed so

Yep, I found that in the code ;)

no need to worry about indexing twice and a sit uses the parent
directory last mod datetime - its efficient enough too)


also we cant delete crawled list nor remove ones that are subdirs of
watched dirs as inotify and fam need this list to filter out changes to
crawled items (we dont want to update them except at start up).

Yes, as I understand the issue now.

Have removed forced indexing of home if no watch dirs is set (default in
cfg file is home dir so should be ok)

Perfect :) - can't smile enough ;)

So, thank you very much, best regards,

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