Re: [Tracker] tracker-gui prototypes

On Mon, 2006-09-18 at 15:43 +0100, Jamie McCracken wrote:
Edward Duffy wrote:
On 9/18/06, Jamie McCracken <jamiemcc blueyonder co uk> wrote:
As well as tags, it will associate for example email senders and 
subjects so that related items cab be browsed for (EG show me all emails 
that were sent by foo). Hyperlinks will be used for all associative 

This could be extended to include music as well so an artist would be 
displayed as a hyperlink in the search interface which when click would 
bring up the browser showing all other items with the same artist etc.

Now, I have actually not seen the ui in question so I might be totally
off track here... Anyways; you can't show clickable hyperlinks a
treeview or iconview - as is what it appears you are suggesting.

Writing a custom cellrenderer would be possible, but a lot of work. I
actually also looked into this a while back (in addition to my
CompositeCellRenderer I mentioned a few days ago). Possible, but
tricky :-D


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