Re: [Tracker] tracker-gui prototypes

On 9/18/06, Jamie McCracken <jamiemcc blueyonder co uk> wrote:
Edward Duffy wrote:
> Just another quick addition...does this interface for adding tags make
> sense?  I kinda like it, but I can see it being confusing at first....

oh i forgot I meant have a seperate window popup for displaying other
tagged items. It would not be the same form but a new form with a
sidepanel showing all the tags (like your nautilus tag stuff) and the
results on the other side.

I'm not sure I understand what you're getting at.
As opposed to re-using the current search display, you want a two-pane view,
where the left side is a list of tags and the right side is a list of
files (similar to layout #2).  Are you imaging the tag list be a
multi-select treeview, with the file list showing all the files that
match all the tags that are selected?
I guess the part I'm confused on, is why do you want a seperate
window, that will have practically the same functionality (next/prev
buttons, file summaries, etc..).?

Mr Jamie McCracken

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