I got tired of writing C, so I wrote some prototype GUIs in Python. So here's 4, all rolled into 1 script. To switch between the four, you need to set the TRACKER_UI_LAYOUT environment variable, so TRACKER_UI_LAYOUT=1 ./tracker-gui-prototypes.py Uses a GtkComboBox to select services; results in IconView TRACKER_UI_LAYOUT=2 ./tracker-gui-prototypes.py Uses a GtkTreeView + ListStore to select services; results in IconView TRACKER_UI_LAYOUT=3 ./tracker-gui-prototypes.py Uses a GtkNotebook to select services; results in IconView (broken...I can't create the tabs until I know which services are relavant to the results) TRACKER_UI_LAYOUT=4 ./tracker-gui-prototypes.py Just finds everything and puts it in a GtkTreeStore You can also change the number of results returned at once by setting the TRACKER_MAX_RESULTS environment variable, TRACKER_UI_LAYOUT=1 TRACKER_MAX_RESULTS=50 ./tracker-gui-prototypes.py Would show fifty at a time..default is 20.
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